Search Results for: sarms

Demigod Capsules

Ostarine + Cardarine | Behemothlabz

Demigod Capsules (Ostarine + Cardarine) Ostarine + Cardarine is a research compound that has the power of Ostarine MK-2866 and Cardarine GW-501516. Ostarine MK-2866 is known for its potential to promote lean muscle growth and potentially increase strength, while Cardarine GW-501516 is valued for its ability to allegedly improve endurance and stamina.  Demigod Capsules (Ostarine + […]

XUL Capsules

XUL (Rad-140 + Cardarine) | Behemothlabz

XUL Capsules (RAD-140 + GW-501516) Discover the science behind XUL Capsules (RAD-140 + GW-501516), a unique blend of Cardarine and RAD 140. These compounds are being researched for potentially enhancing muscle growth, endurance, and possible fat burning.  Explore how these research compounds work synergistically. [R] XUL Capsules (RAD-140 + GW-501516) Product Details Cardarine CAS Number: […]

RAD 150 (TLB 150) Benzoate Liquid

RAD 150 liquid - Behemothlabz

RAD 150, also known as TLB 150 or Benzoate Ester, is the modified version of its parent compound, RAD140. It is formed through esterification, which enhances its stability and extends its duration of action in the research subjects. Additionally, it belongs to the family of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs). SARMs are known for their potential […]

SR9009 + Cardarine Liquid

SR9009 + Cardarine-30ml Liquid - Behemothlabz

SR9009 + Cardarine Liquid Explore the cutting-edge world of SR9009 + Cardarine Liquid with BehemothLabz. Designed for research purposes, this liquid formulation combines SR9009, a Rev-ErbA agonist known for potentially enhancing endurance and promoting fat loss, with Cardarine (GW-501516). This potent PPARδ agonist potentially supports fatty acid metabolism and physical endurance. While their use is […]

LGD 4033 + RAD 140 + YK-11 Liquid

Lgd 4033 + Rad 140 + YK-11 - Stack liquid | Behemothlabz

LGD 4033 + RAD 140 + YK-11 (Liquid Form) – Product Details This liquid is offered as 58mg per ml/ 30ml/ 1740mg (16mg LGD 4033, 32mg RAD 140, and 10mg YK-11) LGD-4033, RAD-140, and YK-11 are all selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) currently being researched for their potential to increase muscle mass and strength, eventually […]

YK-11 (Myostine) Liquid

YK-11 - Behemothlabz

YK11 is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) with myostatin inhibition properties. Clinical trials have shown its potential use for muscle growth and bone density in research subjects. This growth occurs by binding with androgen receptors of muscles and bones, imitating anabolic effects. Apart from binding with muscle receptors, it sometimes may reduce or increase the level of myostatin. […]

OTR-AC (Ostarine-O-Acetate) (MK-29) Liquid

otr-ac liquid - behemothlabz

Buy OTR-AC (Ostarine-O-Acetate) MK-29 – Product Details OTR-AC is a synthetic Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). It is commonly known as MK2866 Acetate Ester or Acetate Ester. It is formed through the process of esterification. Esterification is when an alcohol reacts with an acid and forms ester and water. This process is conducted to potentially enhance […]

Ligandrol (LGD-4033) Liquid

LGD-4033 ligandrol 33mg | Behemothlabz

Ligandrol is a novel nonsteroidal SARM that is currently under clinical trials. This compound has the potential to mimic the effects of anabolic steroids and testosterone. Like an anabolic agent, It imitates anabolic activity and may have the potential to impact muscles, bones, and fat levels in the subjects. Similarly, it may potentially increase the […]

1-Andro Liquid

1-Andro Liquid - Behemothlabz

1-Andro (Liquid) – Product Details 1-Andro is a prohormone that may act as a precursor of 1 testosterone in the body. 1 Testosterone is a synthetic anabolic hormone with twice the anabolic potency of testosterone. It is highly selective to the androgen receptor throughout the body. Clinical research has shown that 1 Andro has the […]

AC-262,356 Liquid

AC-262-356 | Behemothlabz

AC-262 356 (Liquid Form) – Product Details This liquid is offered as 17mg per ml/15ml/250mg Acadia Pharmaceuticals developed AC-262 356 (another name for AC 262) to treat prostate cancer and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s. Unlike testosterone, the compound’s direct interaction with the body’s muscle androgen receptors could promote muscle growth and strength while lowering […]