Search Results for: sarms

S23 SARM Liquid

S23 Liquid - Behemothlabz

S-23 SARM (Liquid Form) – Product Details BehemothLabz S23 capsules were created by altering the chemical structure of C-6. However, S23 is an improved version of C-6, showing higher bioavailability and a higher binding affinity. We also have S-23 Capsules for sale if you are interested in buying them, too. CAS Number is stated as […]

Arimistane Liquid

arimistane liquid - behemothlabz

Arimistane is a synthetic compound that is currently under clinical development for its various potential impacts. It is commonly known as an aromatase inhibitor. As it may inhibit the working patterns of aromatase enzymes. The aromatase enzyme is naturally found in the body that converts testosterone hormone into estrogen. Such conversion of hormones causes a […]

Cardarine GW 501516 Liquid

Cardarine - BehemothLabz

Cardarine GW-501516 is often associated with SARMs, but it is a PPARδ agonist. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Delta (PPARδ) agonists are found in the subject. It has the potential to enhance cell metabolism, fat reduction, and physical endurance.  Clinical reviews suggest that Cardarine may activate PPARδ in the research subjects. In return, PPARδ may play a […]

Andarine S4 Liquid

Andarine Liquid - Behemothlabz

Andarine S4 Liquid – Product Details Andarine, commonly known as S4, is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). It is currently under clinical trials for its potential impacts on the research subjects. Like other SARMs, Andarine products may benefit muscle growth and enhance fat loss. Apart from its benefits, its working mechanism differs from anabolic […]

Ostarine (MK-2866) Liquid

ostarine mk 2866 liquid vial - behemothlabz

Ostarine (MK-2866) – Product Details Ostarine, commonly known as MK 2866 is a common Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). It is currently under trial for its potential impacts on the research subjects. Clinical reviews have suggested that it may impact muscle growth, fat loss, and bone density in the subjects. These potential impacts are shown […]

RAD 140 Testolone Liquid

rad 140 testolone liquid - Behemothlabz

Testolone Liquid (Rad 140) – Product Details Rad140, commonly known as Testolone, is a nonsteroidal Selective Androgen Receptor modulator (SARM). Testolone has the potential to mimic the effects of testosterone by selectively binding with androgen receptors in muscles and bones. Some clinical trials have found that rad 140 has therapeutic applications for muscle strength, healthy […]

4-Andro Liquid

4-Andro 33mg | Behemothlabz

4-Andro (Liquid) – Product Details 4 Andro, also known as 4-DHEA, is a prohormone. It is directly converted by the body into testosterone and doesn’t aromatize into estrogen. Unlike some other prohormones, 4 Andro isn’t converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or any of its derivatives. Research has shown that the administration of 4 Andro causes a […]

Arimistane Capsules


Arimistane (Capsule Form) – Product Details Arimistane, a potent natural aromatase inhibitor, may provide users with certain benefits of increased testosterone levels and decreased estrogen and cortisol levels. It is a natural substance that is a downstream metabolite of 7 Keto DHEA that exists in the body. Arimistane may increase the subject’s natural myotropic state, […]

Ostarine + MK-677 Capsules

Ostarine + MK-677 | Behemothlabz

Ostarine + MK-677 (Capsule Blend) – Product Details Ostarine + MK-677 capsules contain: Ostarine – 10mg MK-677 – 10mg BehemothLabz’s combination of Ostarine and MK 677 capsules is being studied to possibly help build lean muscle mass and promote lean muscle growth in the body. Ostarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) allegedly capable […]

YK-11 Capsules

YK-11 Capsules - Behemothlabz

Product Description – YK 11 Capsules (Myostatin) The YK 11 SARMs, which are available in powder form in an enclosed container, are known as YK 11 capsules. Among its other forms such as liquid and parenteral solution, capsules truly stand out. As they are quick to absorb and digest in research settings.  Being a SARM- […]