The comparison between SARMs offers plenty to unpack. As highly investigational compounds, LGD 4033 and RAD 140 are two names that often dominate this comparison in the world of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Although these two SARMs may offer several benefits such as muscle growth, boosting strength, and enhancing fat loss, they differ in […]
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With prospective benefits, RAD 150 has been gaining attention in the research market. It is attributed as one of the potent and stable Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) that may provide optimal results during clinical investigations. Like other SARMs, it may have muscle-building and strength-improving benefits in subjects with prolonged half-life. However, as its demand […]
Product Detail – Semaglutide Nasal Spray Semaglutide (with the brand name Ozempic) belongs to the peptide category, which consists of small chains of amino acid molecules. Besides its availability in spray form, it is also available in parenteral solution and oral forms. Among all these forms, semaglutide nasal spray may prove to be more beneficial […]
Product Details- Tirzepatide Nasal Spray Tirzepatide nasal spray is a synthetic peptide that is available in a molecular form inside an enclosed container. Its availability in molecular form makes it more beneficial for research subjects. Unlike other traditional parenteral solution peptides, the nasal spray version of Tirzepatide has the potential to bypass the gastrointestinal tract […]
Product Details- PEG MGF Peptide MGF is a naturally occurring peptide that stands for Mechano Growth Factor. It is the derivative form of the Insulin-Like Growth Factor and plays a prominent role in various bodily functions. These functions include muscle tissue recovery, enhancing the healing process, and bone density. However, unfortunately, its staying life is […]
Product Details – Selank Nasal Spray Selank nasal spray is a synthetic chemical that is derived from Tuftsin. Tuftsin is a naturally occurring hormone that has the potential to boost the immune system. Selank has been engineered to have some properties of Tuftsin with some other extra neurological and nootropic effects. When it acts as […]
Cycle It Capsules – Product Details Cycle It is a unique experimental formulation of Behemoth Labz. This chemical can be potentially used during “On Cycle” with SARMs, anabolic steroids, or prohormones. It consists of herbs, plant extracts, amino acids, and vitamins. These ingredients all have potential protective properties that may have potential in aiding hepatoxicity, […]